Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Gender Equality

Do you think you would find a man and a father ever reflecting on his career and consider the impact it had on his family? That's right - not at all possible. He would believe, he had done the very best for his wife and kids and no-one would question his motives otherwise.

Then why do we feel we have to justify ourselves for doing well? Explain, why we have given our career equal focus to our families and sometimes even more? Thinking that we have to make it up to everyone around us!

Are we still fighting the battle of gender equality? Is it society? Or is it our own expectations and perceptions? We certainly feel responsible to our children and spouses and want to ensure that home and life is running smoothly for everyone. Don't forget, we are really the first generation who is striving to have it all!


  1. hmmm, I can for sure say that Pascal, a man and a father thinks about how his career and lack of time reflects on his family. He thinks and stresses about it everyday, and he is proactive about giving his family time. There are a few great men in this world, and I have to say, I have got one of them.

