To give you an example, whenever I have a new connection and I arrange to meet with them, their contact details go directly into my Blackberry. Makes perfect sense, right? And every so often, I get busy or distracted and forget to update my phone with people that I am scheduled to meet.
Guess what happens when I urgently need to get hold of them to change our arrangements due to unforeseen circumstances? That’s right, I scramble! Now I am late and flustered and giving the wrong impression! It already puts me at a disadvantage which could have been so easily prevented if only I had done the right thing which would have taken no time at all.
This is when I have to hit my forehead as they do on the advert! How could I be so careless and not even check before I left the office?
It comes to show that having processes and systems in place and sticking to them religiously, will eliminate those horrible V8 situations! So why do we do it? Why do we set ourselves up for the self instigated sabotage?
It seems pretty silly that we know what works best, it has been proven, yet we are still not compeletely committed sticking to the process?
So I put it to you - lets reveal our V8 moments publically so that we may never default but stick to the things we know work so well! No more sabotage, no more excuses!
I want you to come forward with your V8 moment! Email me cmillard@mcgbusiness.com and I will provide you with the absolution to let go of past examples of bad behavior and promote the new and reformed YOU!
Jointly lets eliminate V8’s for a stress free better business future!
Happy Businessing!
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