Friday, February 24, 2012


Not sure what’s been up with this last week. Many people have been finding the past few days really challenging. And this is across the whole board of industries, sexes and demographics. So I feel compelled to reach out to all of you because there is one very simple solution:


With the second month of the year nearing the end, entrepreneurs are feeling the pressure. Regardless if they are finding it hard to find business or if they are struggling to keep up with demand, somehow it is all too much.

Even clients have come into our sessions a little frazzled around the edges and I had to stop them in their tracks when trying to discuss business development. We moved the discussions to where things were at with them personally to get to the bottom of their frazzledness.

I let them know that within our sessions they are in a sanctuary – their protected zone where it was ok to drop their guard and armor and simply be themselves for a moment. Within a short period of time we managed to discuss what was making them feel so anxious and overwhelmed and put all of their self imposed pressure into perspective.

Afterwards I received emails and messages to say ‘thank you’ for helping them cut out the noise and focus on what was really troubling them with a path to overcome. They could not believe how a constructive conversation could make them feel so much better and clear on what steps they needed to take.

So if you have experienced a week of havoc and are not sure why, first understand that many are sharing your pain.  Then secondly take advice from my clients and seek your own sanctuary. Where for a moment you can go into full-blown meltdown just to come out within minutes feeling cleared, understood and empowered.

Meltdowns are great to clear the air, let go of un-serving stuff and refocus on the real priorities. Give in to the weakness to come out stronger!
Meet you in your sanctuary,

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I have a wonderful new client that came to me through a special referral. The first time we met, she was telling me how she regretted not taking opportunities in the past due to her self-restricting comfort zone and maybe even a little fear of failure. Today she wished she had been more audacious.

Since my initial conversation with her, I seemed to be meeting lots of people from different walks of life in the beginning of this year, who share the same regrets.

One gentleman had the chance to become a Commercial Diver like his brother in-law. While he was tempted at the time, he found enough excuses not to take the training.

When I met him last week, he was still reminiscing about what could have been. Today he is struggling financially whilst his brother in-law has already retired, enjoying the rewards of his earlier courage.

For those of you sharing the feeling of regret about what could have or should have been, I have one simple message:

‘As much as we can’t change what has been or can control what will be, we have the power over ourselves as well as our choices. Therefore stop looking back and move forward by going for it today.
